
Please report here webinars or seminars, workshops, etc related to the Action dark Energy's topics.

 You can edit the page yourself or email the information to one the coordinators listed on the Contacts page.

Links to some webinars and videos

ADE webinars are listed : here.

Eucapt list of webinars : here

Friday seminar series of the Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics group at TIFR: here.

Cosmoverse seminars : here

ISSI Game Changers Online Seminars : here.

DES results : here

IPhu CafeClub with records

LUTH webinars are listed here.

GGI Tea Breaks' Seminars here

Growth of Structure Summer Seminars | here

APC webinars - Mikhail Shaposhnikov here

QTI lectures, colloquia and seminars (CERN) : here

Colloque "Philosophie de la cosmologie" (Marseille, 2021) :

ADE 2021 workshop : here

INSTITUTO DE ASTROPHYSICA Golden Webinars: here and some selected talks:

Lectures on line


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