- Tool name , objectives, feature:
pFoF: pFoF is a parallel Friends-of-Friends halo finder. The code is parallelized with MPI and can handle large simulation data. It uses HDF5 as main format for output but can read binary (RAMSES or Gadget format). It also provides a set of tools to manage large data set.
- contact (person witin ADE, ie. that can help, not necessarily author): Y.Rasera
- author(s):F.Roy (Main developper), V.Bouillot, Y.Rasera
- publication(s), refs:Roy et al, 2014
- main url (if any) : pFoF
- documentation (if any) : Sur le site
- type (library/app?) : app
- language (if known) : F90
- parallelism ( OpenMP, MPI, SPARK...) : MPI
- ressources required (laptop, center,super-computer) :cluster, mesocenter, supercomputer
- availability (is it already installed somewhere?) : LUTH+ french supercomputers
Page last modified on January 22, 2020, at 11:34 AM
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