- Tool name , objectives, feature:
VIDE (Void IDentification and Examination toolkit) is an open-source Python/C++ code for finding cosmic voids in galaxy redshift surveys and N-body simulations, characterizing their properties, and providing a platform for more detailed analysis.
- contact (person witin ADE, ie. that can help, not necessarily author): Guilhem Lavaux
- author(s): Paul Sutter, Nico Hamaus, Guilhem Lavaux, Benjamin D. Wandelt
- publication(s), refs:
Lavaux & Wandelt (2011) (original publication), Neyrinck (2008 (for the Zobov Algorithm) Sutter et al. (2014) (code paper)
- main url:
https://bitbucket.org/cosmicvoids/vide_public/, https://cosmicvoids.net
- documentation (if any):
- type (library/app?): Framework and Application
- language (if known): C/C++/Python
- parallelism ( OpenMP, MPI, SPARK...): OpenMP, Trivial fork parallelism
- ressources required (laptop, center,super-computer): Tier 2 or 3
- availability (is it already installed somewhere?): IAP
Page last modified on January 22, 2020, at 09:04 AM
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